Advice for New Kitten Owners
Congratulations on your new kitten!
Whilst it is an exciting time for you and the family, please remember that your kitten will need commitment, patience and care for the rest of his/her life.
They depend on you for their happiness and well-being, so the following is a guide to the basics of looking after your kitten.
Please remember that we are always happy to hear from you if you need more information about any of the items listed below.

Your kitten should start vaccinations from 9 weeks of age and will need a second injection 3-4 weeks later. Two weeks after this second vaccination your kitten should be immune to the most common infections he/she is likely to encounter. After this initial course your kitten will need a booster vaccination every year to keep him/her protected.
We vaccinate against the following infections:
Feline Panleucopaenia Virus
This virus acts on the gastrointestinal lining causing vomiting, diarrhoea, dehydration and usually death.
Cat Flu
There are two viruses that are responsible for the majority of cat flu and these are Feline Calicivirus and Feline Herpesvirus. Although Cat Flu is not a very serious disease (except in kittens), these viruses can lead to a variety of chronic conditions which can cause long-term health problems.
Feline Leukaemia Virus
This is a dangerous virus as it damages the immune system and can cause cancers of the bone marrow or the immune system. The prognosis for these cats is very poor, 50% of infected cats die within 6 months and 80% within 3 years. There is no effective treatment.